Are you looking for a way to express yourself this summer?
If so, then SNHL's teen summer reading program is the place to be!

Registration begins Monday, June 8th and is as easy as a click of the mouse! To register, click on the Summer Reading link over on the right hand side of this blog, and fill out all required information (name, phone number, grade, and school). Once you're registered, you can create a username and password. Make sure to choose something that will be easy for you to remember but hard for others to hack!
Once registered, you can begin logging pages you've read! Read whatever you like; fiction or nonfiction books, poetry, short stories, magazines, or even ebooks! For every 100 pages you log online, you'll earn two raffle tickets to enter to win prizes at our end-of-summer prize auction on Saturday, August 22nd at 7 pm.
Want more chances to win awesome prizes?
For every teen summer reading program you attend, you will earn one raffle ticket. For information on teen summer reading programs, check out the Teen Zone calendar on the right hand side of this blog.
Also, become a follower of SNHL Teen Zone on Twitter. Twitter followers will be notified of special prize winning opportunities that won't be publicized anywhere else! To learn more, click on our Twitter link on the right hand side of this blog.
And lastly, remember to log your pages as you read them! Prizes will be drawn weekly for teens who have logged pages in that week.
So what are the prizes?
Weekly prizes will vary by week, but trust us, they will all be awesome! So don't forget to log your pages as you read to qualify for a weekly prize!As for the prizes to be auctioned on Saturday, August 22nd, those include:
-Two tickets to CLO's production of 8-Track, Sounds of the 70's
-Two passes to the Carnegie Science Center
-$50 cash prize
-Four passes to the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium
-Eat-n-Park gift cards
-Private after-hours party in the library
So now what?
Check back here often for news, information and cool events that you're sure to enjoy!
And don't forget to register for the Teen Summer Reading 2009 program beginning Monday, June 8th here at Shaler North Hills Library Teen Zone!!!!